Researchers have created fiber-based electronics that use the human body to power T-shirts that display changing messages.
Researchers in China say they have created fiber-based electronics that harness electromagnetic energy in the atmosphere, using the human body as part of the circuit. This makes a “body-coupled” fiber electronic technology that does not need electronic chips or batteries to work and which, the team say, could be used for a host of applications.
“When electromagnetic energy travels through the fiber, it is converted by fiber into other forms of energy, including visible light and radio waves. So, in addition to emitting light, the fiber emits electric signals when touched by [a] human body,” said Chengyi Hou, a co-author of the research from Donghua University, Shanghai.
By controlling various aspects of the system, such as the area of fiber in contact with the body or the diameter of the fibers, these wireless signals can be programmed, Hou added.
“These wireless signals can be conveniently picked up with a coil, and then wireless signals with different characteristics will be ‘translated’ by electronic devices into different commands,” he said, noting that could mean turning the device on or off, or other actions.
The team say the approach removes a key challenge faced when attempting to incorporate electronic systems into textiles: the need for rigid components.
“We have already achieved mass production of this new type of fiber electronics, which is as fine and soft as traditional fibers, so the next step is to apply it to textiles we use every day, such as cloths, towels, carpets and so on,” said Hou.
Among the prototypes developed by the team is a wearable fabric display coupled to a fabric keyboard – which the team say could be used by people who have a hearing impairment to help them communicate with others – and textile controllers for video games.
They also created a wireless haptic carpet that glows underfoot which not only provides a form of emergency lighting at night, but can also wirelessly transmit signals that can be used to control switches on appliances in the home, such as lights.